Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Engraving In France

One of the most wonderful things about engraving is that it is an extremely portable pursuit. My briefcase, purchased many years ago to use in college, holds everything that I need. It takes less than two minutes to assemble everything and set up.

So, when J proposed that we spend a week in France, I didn't have to worry about falling behind with work. We were very lucky with the weather and engraving, like eating, was carried on outdoors; I set up in the shade of the summer kitchen. J is in the distance, gathering walnuts.

I was working on a bookplate with an intricate design. It took hours to carefully draw out the design. Here is the result of the first session:

The central image focusses on two owls. The next photograph shows them drawn onto the block, ready to engrave. You can make out the pencil marks of the "squaring up" that I used to transfer the drawing onto the block:

Finally, I started to engrave the owls. I enjoyed this work as it involved much detail and the block of English boxwood engraved beautifully. Here is a later photograph:

We both enjoyed our stay in France. Although we can "get by" in much of Europe, we are both more confidant of our French and enjoyed several pleasant conversations. Add to this the good weather, the walks, the food and some excellent museums, and you have a recipe for a most pleasant week.

1 comment:

Barbara Mason said...

Retirement is good, soon you will wonder how you ever had time to work at a real job! Nice owl.