Leeds Craft Centre and Design Gallery is simply the best craft gallery that I know. I first discovered it for myself a few years ago and so, when I was asked to sell work there, I was very pleased. Conequently, you can inmagine how happy I was top be asked to feature as one of two Printmakers in their "Wonder Of Woodcuts" exhibition.
The Gallery is found at the West end of "The Headrow", a large road that runs across the city Centre. The Town Hall and Art Gallery are unmistakeable:
The Craft Centre is tucked away beyond the steps and is a real treasure cave!
I am always impressed with the quality of the work offered for sale,especially the ceramics and jewellry, and we never leave without buying lovely pieces for ourselves of as presents. However, they also sell a wide range of original prints and it was these that I had dropped in to see.
About fifty of my engravings are on display. They are grouped together in large frames by theme and I was pleased to see that they have all been expertly mounted for display. There is a very wide range of my work on show here and unframed engravings can be purchased directly from the gallery.
It was nice to finally see them for myself;
My work is shown alongside the wonderful prints of Jonathan Ashworth. They made a nice contrast. I was more than happy with the title "Wonder of Woodcuts" as wood engravings were often been referrred to by that name during the gold age of early 20th century wood engraving.
It was good to have a chance to say hello to the staff and the gallery and look at some of the press cuttings they have from the Yorkshire Post and Evening Post:
The Wonder Of Wodcuts" is on display until 27th October but I have been asked if the prints can remain in stock in the browser after that so you should abve able to find my engravings in Leeds for quite a while yet! The Craft Centre and Design Gallery is open Tuesay to Saturday 10am - 5pm. Details available here: http://www.craftcentreleeds.co.uk/
We called in on our way home from a few days in the Lake District and I already have engravings in mind based on our visit.
Next week, We will deliver a solo exhibition of wood engravings to Hinckley to the Ten2Gallery https://www.ten2gallery.co.uk/ and I will post details of the show, which opens on 6th October, very soon.