My last post showed work in progress on illustrations for M.R.James' ghost story "Oh, Whistle and I'll Come To You,My Lad". This has been published in a lovely edition by Long Barn Books. It really is a delightful thing and can still be purchased. It was great fun to be involved in this, especially as the idea became the book in only three weeks! (Read about it here)

The wood engraving from which the cover image came (nicely embossed on the book) is now for sale on my website. It is simply called "The Martello Tower" (see here for an explanation) and it can be purchased here.

I was commissioned to engrave a tailpiece to show Ely Cathedral for this project:
The image was printed in red on the colophon page and I think it looks very good indeed.

The book is still available at a very modest cost from the Jericho Press website. I have engraved a set of five small images for a new book which is currently being printed and I shall feature that when it is published.
The final book in this post isn't a fine press book but a collection of the artists who have exhibited at the Salon International do la Gravure de Morhange during its first ten years. It is located in the Moselle region of France and exists "pour la defence de la gravure contemporaine", which seems a laudable aim to me and, as J.F. Chassaing exhorts in this well illustrated catalogue, Vive les Artistes Graveurs & Que vive la gravure! (Read more here)

I exhibited in the 5th Salon: