Returning home, cowslips are there to delight the weary traveler outside the kitchen door:
The back problem mentioned in my last post turned out to be much worse than I had thought - or perhaps it was the effects of pulling 60 prints on the Albion with the bad back that did it. I have had a period during which I could neither engrave nor print - not much good when this is my source of income. Even sitting was a problem.
I could stand and trim so I did. Everything is trimmed by hand one at a time. By the time you have done 500 bookplates, you are ready for an extra large mug or steaming hot tea and no mistake!

Luckily A was available to step into the breach. We switched production over to "Red", the larger Albion" and, with me inking and checking, we finished the job in hand. Subsequently, A has printed another edition of bookplates by himself, including the inkling, checking and troubleshooting, and I was very pleased with the results. Here he is in action:

Things have slowly eased in the back department. Current work includes a final drawing for the TC bookplate, preparatory sketches for the P&T J bookplate and a couple of small illustration spots, including a book:
Another sunny morning and so I shall take my tea out into the garden before returning back to my desk and my sketchbook.