Indoors I have finished engraving the block for the Society Of Wood Engravers portfolio.
With a larger block such as this, I use "Red" the 1902 Albion handpress:
Here is the block held firmly in the bed of the press and inked ready to take the first impression.
I am really very pleased with the first print pulled from the block. This is unusual for me as my heart usually sinks. Being pleased is a good thing. It still took five "states" before I was sure that everything was good. Here is the first printing of the final impression:
The various states are hung to dry:
It is time to print the edition of 100. The first twenty-five will go in the portfolios that will be offered for sale. Impressions numbered 26-50 will go to the artists and the remaining fifty will be available from me late in 2009.
The edition is to be printed on a particularly fine paper: The Edwina Ellis paper from the Zerkall mill in Germany. Each sheet yielded six prints. This called for some careful folding.
I then used a breadknife to cut the sheets giving a slightly ragged edge called "false deckles"
Here is the final engraving. A and J play the piano in our dining room. It measures 5 x 5 inches. Click on the image to view a larger version.

I am really pleased with this. Perhaps it is the best thing that I have done. Works that involve my family are always very important to me.
Outside, it is getting colder. My pots of Sempervivum contain remnants of snow:
Finally, a recent visitor that A spotted just outside the studio. A toad. It was happy to sit and pose and I plan to make an engraving from the photographs early next year.