I have been offered a larger Albion Press:

This is exactly what I need to print from larger blocks. However, this is the worst time for me as I have just received my final paycheck from college and my only current income is from engraving.
So, in a desperate gesture, I have gathered together my "life's work of engraving" - namely:
A copy of all of the engravings that I have editioned. There are over 100 of these. Most are from the signed, numbered editions; a few are signed Artist's Proofs. All are perfect copies.
In addition, I include about fifty "states" from various engravings. These are the the proofs that I take to show the stages between the first pull from the block and the final editioned image. Each "state" is numbered but not signed. I will happily sign these if you wish.
In addition, I will include some of the original sketches made for engravings. There are at least ten of these. They are signed pencil or ink drawings.
All of these will be placed in a handmade box and mailed to you with
no mailing charge.
In addition, you will receive your own engraved 2 x 3 inch
bookplate. The earliest that this could be delivered would be January 2006 as I already have many bookplates in a queue. I would include 100 plates. Additional plates would be charged at cost.
The price for the above is £1000. Bear in mind that bookplates start at £250, and that the most expensive print included costs £120.
Alternatives? 1) Make me an offer. 2) If you are rich and a very nice person, make me a gift and become a patron. 3) Pay me the above and I will create for you your own engraving (at least 4x6 inches) and print your own exclusive edition of 100 prints and also include the block and all original artwork.
Email me if interested. I am interested to discuss any aspect of this. This would only pay for a proportion of the cost of the new press but it woulod certainly help.
I'm off to bed to dream of Albion Presses!