It is weeks since I posted here. I imagined that, after the end of term, I would be able to write a nice chatty blog every day. As it happens, I have been working long hours catching up with jobs in hand.
My "retirement" could not have been more pleasant with good wishes, cards, presents, dinners, speeches and visits from old students. My colleagues gave me a wonderful Lawrence's print drying rack. I love the old technology - wood, wire and glass marbles. I still need to hang it from the studio ceiling but I am already putting it to good use.

The last week left me exhausted, especially the clearing of 26 years of accumulated materials. I used cupboards at college to store trays of type and my childhood fossil collection, among other things.
I have so many jobs under way that is it difficult to finish one. I am gradually getting through them, working on a strictly first come - first served basis. I will be emailing over the next couple of days to update everybody on progress with their particular job. Everything will have settled down by the end of the month and new jobs will have a much faster turnaround than before.
I have an exhibition at Ely in Cambridgeshire, UK which starts on 25th August and carries on until 30th September. It is at the three cups gallery. I hope that some readers will be able to visit during the month. I will give more details in a few days.
There we go; just about caught up here - if only I had in real life!